
Date Notification No. Subject File download
861 Disruption in Distribution of Publications - Covid -19
860 Non-Submission of Audited Circulation Figures.
29 November 2019 859 Fixation of waste rate of publications for the audit period January-June 2020.
17 October 2019 858 Notification No. 858
28 June 2019 857 Amendments to few audit guidelines
26 June 2019 856 Amendments to audit guidelines for Magazine Publishers
20 June 2019 855 Bureau Audits
20 June 2019 854 Fixation of waste rate of newspapers for the audit period July - December 2019.
20 August 2018 853 Violation of Bureau’s Code for Publicity - The Hindu, Hyderabad.
31 July 2018 852 Prepaid Subscription Copies
21 May 2018 851 Fixation of waste rate of newspapers for the audit period July - December 2018
20 December 2017 850 Fixation of waste rate of newspapers for the audit period January-June 2018.
08 June 2017 849 Fixation of waste rate of newspapers for the audit period July - December 2017
31 January 2017 848 Cooling off periods - Re-admission to Bureau membership
08 December 2016 847 PartI with Annexure Certification of Circulation figures for Part Audit period.
07 December 2016 847 Part II Fixation of waste rate of newspapers for the audit period January-June 2017
21 October 2016 846 Amendment to Bureau's Code for Publicity – Disclaimer for Variant Copies
21 October 2016 846 Revised Code for Publicity
05 May 2016 845 Fixation of waste rate of newspapers for the audit period July - December 2016
20 November 2015 844 Fixation of waste rate of newspapers for the audit period January-June 2016
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